Education Structure of Serbia
School education in Serbia starts with pre-school, followed by primary education that lasts for 8 years and is compulsory. Students at the age of 7 may attend primary school. Primary education in Serbia is split up into 2 cycles of 4 years each. Upon completion of primary education, students can go for secondary education that last for 4 years. Secondary education is divided into general secondary education and secondary vocation education. The secondary schools prepare students for higher education or for work.
Higher education in Serbia is imparted by universities and colleges. There are faculties and academy of arts in Serbia, which are member of universities. Colleges in Serbia comprises of college of academic studies and college of applied studies. The universities in Serbia offer bachelor, master and doctorate degree programmes.
Structure of Serbian Education
Period of Compulsory Education
Pre-School Education (Predskolsko)
- Ages: 5 to 6
- Provider: Kindergarten and preschool institutions
Primary Education
- Ages: 7 to 14
- Grades: 1 to 8
- Duration: 8
- Certificate awarded: Primary testimony (Osnovnoskolsko svedočanstvo)
Secondary Education
- School Type: Grammar (General) Secondary Schools
- Ages: 15 to 18
- Grades: 9 to 12
- Duration: 4 years
- Certificate awarded: Gymnasium diploma
Secondary Vocational Education
- Ages: 15 to 18
- Duration: 3-4 years
- Credential: Secondary Vocational qualification
Higher Education
First Level Studies
Basic Academic Studies
- Duration: 4 years
- Certificate awarded: Bachelor's degree (Bačelorat/bakalavrat)
Basic Applied Studies
- Duration: 3 years
- Certificate awarded: Bachelor appl.
Second Level Studies
Master’s Studies
- Duration: 2 years
- Certificate awarded: Master's degree (Magistratura/master )
Specialist Studies
- Duration: 1 year
- Certificate awarded: Specialist degree (Specijalist/professional)
Integrated Studies
- Duration: 6 years
- Certificate awarded: Doctor of Medicine (MD); Medical Specialty (MD/Spec); Master of Pharmacy and Doctor of Dentistry (Depending on the field of study)
Third Level Studies
- Duration: 3 years
- Certificate awarded: Doctorate/PhD (Doktorat)